Monday, January 2, 2012

AFRICAE MUNUS handed to Africa

Pope Benedict XVI signed the Post-synodal apostolic Exhortation Africae Munus on November 19th 2011 in the Minor Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Ouida, Benin. He said it would guide the pastoral activities of the Church in Africa for the coming years. The document is practical and pastoral. It is set in the context of modern Africa, characterised by many positive aspects and serious challenges such as civil wars, ethnic conflicts, diseases and illiteracy. Although the exhortation is specifically addressed to Catholics, it is open to ecumenical and inter-religious dialogue. Hence, it is also meant for people of other churches and religions in Africa, for example, Moslems and believers in the African traditional religion because reconciliation, justice and peace concern them too.

                                                   Pope Benedict XVI signing Africe Munus 
The signing of the document which has significant important for the Church in Africa towards true reconciliation, peace and justice was realised in the Papal visit in Benin last November. For the People of Africa, particularly Catholics the documents entails great responsibilities both of evangelisation but more of living their faith authentically in the wake of a continent gravely wounded by poverty, disease and wars. The chairman for Episcopal conference for Africa and Madagascar, Polycarp Cardinal Pengo exhorted the family of God in Africa to well equip themselves in executing the exhortations of the document in the process of establishing  reconciliation, peace and justice for the people of Africa.

 Pope Benedict XVI with Benin President Yayi Boni  


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